Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Classes, Classes and More Classes

This is the first time in my 10 year teaching career that I have been the only art teacher in the school and it's the first time that I am strictly an elementary art teacher. In the past I taught pre-school-8. At my first school there were three art teachers (10 total specials) and at my last school there were two of us (when started there were 11 total specials but our team was downsized to 6). In my current school, there are a total of three specials; art, music and p.e., the budget didn't allow for anymore specials. I can't complain, I am grateful to be employed. The P.E.and Music teachers are great!!!!! I really like them! I'm just sad that there classrooms are on the other side of the school building. I feel isolated sometimes.

This is also the first time that I am literally teaching the entire school, I have a total of 21 different classes, which equates to a three day rotation of seven classes. On Monday and Tuesday I teach the A schedule, Wednesday and Thursday I teach the B schedule and on Friday I teach the C schedule.

A Schedule                
2nd grade
3rd Grade (Class A)
3rd Grade (Class B)
3rd Grade (Class C)

B Schedule                
2nd grade
4th Grade (Class A)
4th Grade (Class B)
4th Grade (Class C)

C Schedule                  
1st  Grade
2nd grade
5th Grade (All Girls Class)
1st  Grade
5th Grade (All Boys Class)

Each class is 40 minutes with no transition periods in between. It's a tough schedule, but I really like teaching an entire grade level back to back. I get a lot of reteach/ teachable moments, in addition to practice. It works out really great, because my most challenging class are my last period classes and I have had two opportunities to work out all of the kinks in my delivery of the lesson. The most challenging day of my schedule is Friday. Besides the fact that I only see these students once a week, I have single gender 5th grade classes. I have been working really hard to plan for things that will interest them. They are both rambunctious groups of boys and girls. Please, pray for me.... I have to be honest, they are giving me the blues right now, especially the all boys class. It's at the end of the day and I have to find my last boost of energy to give them my all in order to keep them engaged.

New Year, New School

It's been a while since I've been on here. First, I must admit that I love my new school. It wasn't love at first sight but it's love none-the-less. The beginning of the school year was a busy one for me. In my previous post I decorated a pre-k classroom at my old school then I made decorations for my younger sister's 3rd grade classroom theme "A Recipe For 3rd Grade".

When I first moved into my room I was challenged with the fact that my new classroom is on the second floor and the elevator was broken so I had to lug all of my stuff up the stairs into my mess of a classroom.

In addition to all of my stuff the former art teacher left all of her teaching tool, (books, lesson plans, junk you name it) and a lot of the the furniture from the library was also in my classroom. It's a great room it's really bright and I have three sinks, two individual sinks and a large trough sink with three faucets. There is also a lot of storage space. 

The downside to the room is that I don't have real windows, my classroom overlooks the cafeteria and it's awkwardly shaped (there is a large pillar in an weird location). After several tries I finally got a classroom configuration. I miss having a promethean board but,  did I mention I have seven imac computers, three printers and six digital cameras?!?!!!! They are the highlight of my room!!!!! I am still trying to plan lessons so I can incorporate the use. Please share any ideas you may have.

I've made changes since I took these pictures (i will post the updates soon) and I just realized that I didn't take pictures of the back of the room. I used some command hooks and ran some clothes lines over the sinks and I turned my back whiteboard into a gallery wall. I also cot a second book shelf. One contains books about artists and art and the other contains the story books I use for my pre-k lessons.