Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New Year, New School

It's been a while since I've been on here. First, I must admit that I love my new school. It wasn't love at first sight but it's love none-the-less. The beginning of the school year was a busy one for me. In my previous post I decorated a pre-k classroom at my old school then I made decorations for my younger sister's 3rd grade classroom theme "A Recipe For 3rd Grade".

When I first moved into my room I was challenged with the fact that my new classroom is on the second floor and the elevator was broken so I had to lug all of my stuff up the stairs into my mess of a classroom.

In addition to all of my stuff the former art teacher left all of her teaching tool, (books, lesson plans, junk you name it) and a lot of the the furniture from the library was also in my classroom. It's a great room it's really bright and I have three sinks, two individual sinks and a large trough sink with three faucets. There is also a lot of storage space. 

The downside to the room is that I don't have real windows, my classroom overlooks the cafeteria and it's awkwardly shaped (there is a large pillar in an weird location). After several tries I finally got a classroom configuration. I miss having a promethean board but,  did I mention I have seven imac computers, three printers and six digital cameras?!?!!!! They are the highlight of my room!!!!! I am still trying to plan lessons so I can incorporate the use. Please share any ideas you may have.

I've made changes since I took these pictures (i will post the updates soon) and I just realized that I didn't take pictures of the back of the room. I used some command hooks and ran some clothes lines over the sinks and I turned my back whiteboard into a gallery wall. I also cot a second book shelf. One contains books about artists and art and the other contains the story books I use for my pre-k lessons.

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