Friday, June 15, 2012

I've never been good at saying goodbye.

I saw this quote on facebook and it pretty much sums up how I feel:

"The hardest thing to do is leaving your comfort zone...but you have to let go of the life you're familiar with and take the risk to live the life you dream about".

Today was the last day of school and June 18, 2012 will be my official last day of working at Friendship Public Charter Schools Chamberlain Campus. For the past seven years I've called Chamberlain my home. I've had a lot of ups and downs, met and worked with a lot of great people and really great kids. I truly enjoyed my experience and I am ready to move on to something new and explore the endless possibilities that God is affording me in my journey.

I thought the hardest thing I was going to face was saying bye to my students, especially the Majorettes, I really have bonded with the majority of my girls and I have seen them grow and blossom into young ladies. I didn't think I was going to be prepared for the tears but it went well. I reassured, I promised them that I would visit and that is a promise that I will keep. There were some tears, one of my students told me that it was ok because I could just come teach her art at her cute, I love that little girl.

The last day of school wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, I will admit I got a little teary eyed especially after my team members bought me roses, a card and a gift card.

My team Family, The Special's Department, I love these guys 
I got gifts from some of the other teachers/staff members and lots and lots of hugs. I think everything really set in as reality for me when I decided to send the staff a good bye e-mail (see below) and took my final pictures of my cleaned-up/empty classroom.

Good Afternoon Chamberlain Family!

It is with a heavy heart that I share this news with you all.  As many of you may know by now, I have accepted a Teaching Position at DCPS for the 2012-2013 school year.  It has been an interesting yet amazing 7 years here at Chamberlain. I have been blessed to watch our students grow and mature, as well as foster great working relationships with staff. It has been such a pleasure working with you all--I know that I will miss you all dearly, especially my Da Vinci house family. 

I thank those who have contributed to my professional growth and I credit Chamberlain for allowing me to exhibit my love of art and teaching.  

I wish each of you continued success, and I will forever cherish the experiences that I've had at Chamberlain.

I welcome you all to keep in contact, please feel free to reach via email or you can follow me on my blog  where I will definitely update it with my new adventures and future projects. 

Much Love, 
Ms. B
Visual Arts Teacher

Classroom View A

Classroom View B

Classroom View C

Classroom View D

Classroom View E
 I left the paper up (per the principal's request), along with the school-wide expectations, consequences and core values. I also organized the supply closet and locked up the important things in the cabinets for the new teacher.

The messages my students left on my board.

All in all, I am truly excited for God has in store for me in this next chapter of life. Seven is the biblical year/number of completion and I believe my job at Chamberlain is done for now. God has always been good to me and I am trusting in him fully to lead me. At my church's woman's luncheon I was given a stanza of a poem to memorize and recite and it's amazing how it truly it resonates in my life.

"I am a worthy woman of God, I am creative because the one who leads me is not bound by sameness. He is the inventor/maker of Things New, therefore I am forever being changed from glory to glory"

I am looking forward to the fall, my new school, my classroom and 
The New Adventures of Old Ms. B........... the true reason I gave my blog its title.

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