Monday, June 4, 2012

2012 End of the Year Art Show

For the past seven years, the charter school I work for has a District Wide Fine Arts Festival. The art festival showcases the performing and visual arts from all of the 11 campuses. In addition to the arts there is free food, face painting, arts and crafts. It's a really fun family friendly event. This year it was combined with the Saturday program's closing ceremony so I got paid to be there (extra bonus!!!!!). My campus has been the host school for two years so I was relieved not to have to do so much work in organizing it this year.

Since I wasn't the host school this year, I decided to minimize my display. I bought 5ft foam board from Hobby Lobby and mounted my and the other art teacher in my building's student artwork on it. Then, I attached the foam together using foam hinges to create display panels. I displayed my art club's paintings on easels and the 8th grade painting and masks as well.

Unfortunately, I didn't take a camera with me to the festival to capture pictures of all the wonderful work from the District, so when I came to work today I displayed all the Art in the main lobby of my school building.  The display was to nice to just put away. Below are the pictures from the display at my school, enjoy!

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