Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Plaster Gauze Masks

The students in my 8th grade elective class are currently creating plaster gauze masks. I began the assignment by doing an overview of face masks. We also looked at several examples on line. After discussing the masks and looking a several cultures who use masks the students designed masks using face templates. The students designed their own masks. I didn't want to limit their creativity so I allowed them to choose what type of mask they wanted to create. Most of them decided to create animal masks. 

I was initially going to make the mask forms on their faces but, I decided against it especially since they are in pubescent and the thought of putting all that vaseline on their faces was a bad idea. So I purchased some mask forms. 

Stage 1: Creating the basic mask forms: After they created the basic face mold they added on features using cardboard and newspaper and covered it in additional layers of plaster gauze.

Stage 2: Creating their images and painting it with gesso. 
Once they were happy with the way their masks looked we had a class critique and they offered suggestions and comments to help each other. The next day the students made adjustments and we covered the masks in several layers of acrylic gesso this took about two class sessions. Once they were dry the students started to draw their designs on their masks. 

Stage 3: Painting on their designs on their masks using acrylic paint:
In this stage of the process the students are starting to see their results and are really excited. So excited they don;t want to leave at the end of the class period. (I have this class at the end of the day so they really don't want to go home most of the time. It's flattering but I also run two after school activities so it make it hard for me to do my other jobs).

Stage 4: Class critique #2: 
We are going to have a class critique of their works in progress. I believe this is necessary for them to iron out the kinks and get awesome final projects. They are really doing a good job so far. 

Here are the final pieces, they came out really great. 

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