Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wayne Thiebaud Inspired Dessert Paintings

My 6th and 7th grade elective class spent the past month working on Wayne Thiebaud inspired desserts. To accomplish this goal we discussed pattern, light, shadow, and forms. Then, we watched the following youtube videos: 
Wayne Overview we watched this one for a brief overview of his life and art. This video was created by a teacher for her class. I loved the way she broke everything down. 
Thiebaud 1 : This video helped to establish Wayne Teiebaud as a real person for my students. I believe it also encouraged them to realize that they can make a career creating or doing what they are passionate about. 
Ater we watched the videos I printed out several pictures of desserts for them to choose from. They spent two-three days sketching out their favorite dessert. Next, we spent a couple of days talking about perspective, and drawing shapes and forms at, below, or above the horizon line. Then we created a project rubric for the paintings. 

The class agreed on the following artwork parameters: 
To get an A each artwork must contain: 
  • at least 3 desserts 
  • shadow and highlights
  • repetition and pattern
  • a horizon line
Each parameter was worth 20 points and they earned four points a day (during the five class periods I allowed them to paint) for proper use of materials and cleaning up.

Below are some of their paintings. 


  1. I like the dessert paintings! What a great contrast.

  2. I love the painitngs with the hot colors the most. They are really fun and bounce off the page.
